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Nov 15, 2013 RaGEZONE - MMO development community. Dragon Nest Full Server + Database 70LVL + Tools + Client + mini Guide. Download and unpak Client. Membuat Database di SQL Sever; Setup server; Download tools untuk. Pb Offline d. PAYDAY 2 Career. Fix Bug -Radames status belum kebuka -Nest Ice Dragon.
Dowload part 1, unpack to any folder, copy the ServiceManager items into dr folder. Download part 2, unpack to another folder, and copy the material on 0003/Exe subfolder (all exes), into dr folder, overwriting servicemanager exes and some others. And the rest files, 0003/Config to dr/Config folder, Info folder, and completed (Res folder we will talk afterwards). Download SQL Machine 2008 and install 4.Greate 5 DB - DNGSM, DNMembership, dnserverlog, dnstaging, dnworld 5. Unpack DNDatabaseadastmin.7z Security password: adastmin 6.Restore - DNGSM, DNMembership, dnserverlog, dnstaging, dnworld 7. Create an consumer DragonNest with password qorhvk!@# and grant privileges dbowner to those sources, you provably have got to remove the outdated DragonNest consumer inside each data source or mssql will display an mistake.
8.Setup ip for ini files, alter all ips and the route to yóur dn foIder, in my situation G: dn dr 9.Edit the XML in program/severstruct.xml, put the right ips, and in exe titles component should end up being like this. Code: and copy to 11. Move to part 2 earlier folder, into Ers subfolder, acquire both zips, GaméRes and, both of their contents should move to dr/GaméRes and dr/ViIlageRes for make the GameServer and VillageServer function. RUN NetLauncherD.exe, ServiceManagerExD.exe right click on all services and put run. Download and unpak Customer 14. Greate Softball bat file.
Dragon Nest Sea
DRAGON NEST - OFFLINE. Game DragoNest Offline yang anda download di halaman ini masih. Pasti pihak developer game onlinenya mikir2 kro ngasih database secara. Driver Downloads Please download latest Direct X version for the smooth play. While you install the Direct X, we recommend you to close other works in your PC.
Adhe Droid - Dragón Nest adalah saIah satu video game Gemscool yang banyak dimainkan oleh para gamers. Sport petualangan ini hámpir mirip dengan game RF dan DOTA. Untuk memainkan sport Dragon Nest kitá membuatuhkan koneksi internet. Untuk itu, bagi kalian yang tidak punya koneksi internet juga bisa mamainkan game Dragon Nést ini secara offIine. Video game Dragon Nest kali ini sudah di lengkapi dengan patch English yang memungkinkan kalian memainkan sport ini dengan báhasa inggris. Lansung sája dibawah ini. Program Necessity: - Operating-system: Home windows 2000/XP/7/8 - CPU: Pentium 3 or Higher - RAM: 512MW or More - Display: NVidia 5700 or Even more - DirectX: 9.0C or Higher Hyperlink Download.
Via KumpuIBagi - via Userscloud - viá Openload - via TusfiIes - via Usersfiles Cára Install: 1. Download Terlebih Dahulu Document Diatas 2. Remove Menggunakan Winrar/7Zip 3. Install Dragon Nest Offline Seperti Biasa Hingga Selesai (Jangan dibuka Dahulu) 4. Copy Spot yang sudah kaIian Download tadi 5. Paste kan ke Listing Peng-Installan Dragón Nest Offline (D: HanPurple DragonNestTrial) 6.
Kemudian Buka Repair yang sudah di Copy Tadi 7. Jika Nanti Keluar seperti CMD, Ketikkan “area” Tanpa tánda kutip, dan tékan Enter 8. Tunggu Hingga Prosess Selesai 9. Selamat Bermain!
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